Specialising in Clinical Hypnosis and Energy Healing

Hypnotherapy to quit smoking or vaping
If you need help to quit smoking or help to quit vaping hypnotherapy offers a powerful and effective method to help you quit and gain freedom from addiction.

Hypnotherapy to quit smoking or vaping

For decades, people have sought various methods and support systems to quit smoking. In more recent times, the focus has moved to quitting vaping. The question for you, if you do smoke or vape, is what is the best way to quit smoking or vaping, and can hypnotherapy be one solution?

The growing need to quit smoking or vaping

Smoking has long been recognised as a significant health risk, leading to various chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease and respiratory issues. Likewise, vaping, initially marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, has also shown significant potential health risks.

The good news is that most people who smoke or vape do want to quit. According to the Cancer Council, research shows that a significant majority of smokers express a desire to quit smoking. Similar research by the same organisation shows that most Australians who vape also want to stop or reduce their usage.

This growing awareness of the risks of smoking and vaping, and a desire among Australians to quit, is promising. It also highlights the need for effective cessation methods that address both smoking and vaping.

Why choose hypnotherapy for quitting smoking or vaping?

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to quit smoking or vaping by addressing the psychological aspects of addiction. Unlike traditional methods that primarily focus on the physical withdrawal symptoms, hypnotherapy delves into the subconscious mind, helping to reframe and alter the habits and behaviours associated with smoking and vaping.

At Energy Healing Melbourne, we have seen remarkable success with our hypnotherapy sessions for people wanting to quit smoking or vaping. Our approach is tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalised experience.

Here are some reasons why hypnotherapy is an excellent choice if you’re looking to quit smoking or quit vaping:

  • Hypnotherapy helps to uncover and address the root causes of smoking and vaping habits. Whether it’s stress, anxiety or other emotional triggers, our sessions aim to rewire these associations.
  • Through guided hypnosis, we help reduce the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that often lead to relapse. By focusing on the subconscious mind, we can significantly diminish the desire to smoke or vape.
  • Hypnotherapy facilitates the creation of new, healthy habits. By reinforcing positive behaviours and mindsets, clients are better equipped to handle stress and avoid the temptation to revert to old habits.

Quit smoking or vaping with Energy Healing Melbourne

Our track record speaks volumes about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy to quit smoking or vaping.

95% of our clients achieve success in the first session. Yes, that’s right. Nineteen out of 20 people who come to us for help to quit smoking or vaping stop after only one session.

While this is great news if you do want to quit, we would highly recommend committing to at least three sessions. This will ensure long-term success in your quest to be free from addiction.

The process to quit smoking or vaping using hypnotherapy

Our hypnotherapy sessions are designed to be a relaxing and transformative experience. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your smoking or vaping history, triggers and goals. This helps us tailor the hypnotherapy sessions to your specific needs.
  2. During the hypnosis session, you will be guided into a relaxed state where your subconscious mind is more receptive to positive suggestions. We will work on reprogramming your mind to break the association with smoking or vaping and reinforce healthy behaviours.
  3. The follow-up sessions are crucial for long-term success. They help to reinforce your new behaviours and address any challenges or cravings that may arise.
  4. At Energy Healing Melbourne we provide ongoing support to ensure your success. Whether it’s additional sessions or resources to help you stay on track, we are here to support you every step of the way.

The benefits of quitting smoking or vaping

We probably don’t need to tell you that quitting smoking and vaping has numerous benefits and it’s not just your physical health. These benefits include:

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved lung function and better overall health.
  • Increased energy levels, better physical fitness and improved mental clarity.
  • Significant financial savings from not needing to purchase cigarettes or vaping products ever again!
  • Setting a positive example for family and friends, encouraging them to adopt healthier habits.

Take the first step to quit smoking or vaping with hypnotherapy

Quitting smoking or vaping is a significant step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life, and it starts with only one step. Contacting Energy Healing Melbourne.

Hypnotherapy offers a powerful and effective method to achieve your quitting goals by addressing the psychological aspects of addiction. At Energy Healing Melbourne, we are committed to helping you succeed in your journey to quit smoking or vaping.

For more information on our hypnotherapy services for quitting smoking or vaping, visit our website.