Specialising in Clinical Hypnosis and Energy Healing

Hypnotherapy for Dealing with Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse

Energy Healing Melbourne offers a comprehensive program to support you in releasing the scars of narcissistic abuse.

Astrid has overcome adversity at a young age, turning her life around to follow her dreams and achieve success. And she has inspired others to do the same. Astrid’s passion to help people is evident in her work with the community.

With over 20 years working hands on with people who have experienced trauma, abuse, stress, and people who have faced the most extreme circumstances. Astrid has a wealth of knowledge to impart to anyone who is experiencing adversity in their personal life or in the workplace.

Why am I qualified to help you?

Energy Healing Melbourne offers a comprehensive program to support you in releasing the scars of narcissistic abuse. Family members, co-workers, partners and friends can all be part of a toxic relationship. In fact, any relationship where you feel damaged or controlled by manipulation constitutes narcissistic abuse.

I am well qualified to help you clear and heal your painful experiences as I too experienced a lengthy ongoing pattern of destructive, hurtful and manipulative relationships – before stepping into freedom.

Why you should be joining our online group sessions?

We offer online group sessions for women who have been in a narcissistic abuse relationship of any form. We offer this safe space in groups, yet in the comfort of your own home. We also understand finances can be a problem in certain situations, so we have made this service very affordable to women who want and need help but are not in a position to have one on one sessions.

I can help you regain your power. I can help you to heal the past hurt and trauma and to recognize the patterns that have held you hostage. I can help you to move on from the person you love but who hurts you the most.

What Kind of Topics Will be Touched on During our Session?

I concentrate on healing your inner child and learnt attachment styles, such as avoidant or anxious attachment styles In the hypnosis sessions, regression techniques are used to heal the inner child’s wounds and belief systems.

Session Outlines - 12 Steps

1. No Contact – Recognize and resolve no contact

Let me help you to begin the most important time in your life, by assisting you with no contact with your narcissist abuser. It will feel so frightening to think you will have no contact, but this is a necessary and vital step in your recovery. If you’re coming to me for healing you recognize you have been in a toxic relationship where you feel overwhelmed, abused, and exhausted. You are tired of being the ‘bad’ person and trying so hard to gain the narcissist’s approval, which will never happen.

2. No Contact – Release the Pain

The pain and grief can be overwhelming when a relationship ends. The result has left you feeling empty with no sense of ‘self’. Breaking the shackles has been so difficult and now you are in unbearable pain. How do you move forward? How do you release this pain?

3. No Contact – Self-care and Healing during no contact

The narcissist can take everything from you, leaving you with nothing of or for yourself. You have given yourself over to your abuser and been more concerned about their needs than your own. Self-loathing is common. It can feel entirely foreign to put your own self-care and healing foremost. And yet that is what you must do during no contact.

4. Release – the Pain of Co-Dependency

The first step toward change is awareness and the second step acceptance. I understand you have been in a co-dependent relationship with the Narcissist. There is a lack of trust for your own decisions and feelings as the Narcissist has told you repeatedly that everything is your fault.

The need to release the pain of co-dependency is achievable.

5. Release – the Pain of Betrayal

Releasing the pain of betrayal is an important step in your recovery. Hypnosis will be deep as I cut the cords and ties that bind you to the Narcissist. Letting go the hurt, pain, sadness, and grief is imperative if we are to shift that negative energy.

Acknowledgement of the betrayal of words and actions by the Narcissist and to our self is necessary before we take the next step in recovery.

6. Release – The Pain of taking on Responsibility for the Narcissist

The Narcissist is an expert at passing the responsibility of his actions to you. Overburdened with his pain/grief/trauma and inability to function – it is only when you have stepped away (no contact) that you realize how much you hid their flaws. Together we now release the pain of that responsibility in the knowledge that you no longer carried that burden.

7. Connection – Healing the connection with the narcissist

For us to truly move forward it is time to release and heal the connection with the Narcissist. Severing the connection also means severing the hopes and dreams you may have had. It is important to heal and release the connection so you can move forward the come to acceptance. Your life will no longer revolve around that person. With no more entanglements you will be free to live the life of your choosing.

8. Connection – To your Emotions

Understand and know who you are. It is time to connect and be comfortable with your emotions. Living with a Narcissist means your feelings have been oppressed and repressed as you sought to make life right for them. Now your own emotions can come up. It may be anger/hurt/pain/trauma, but these feelings are important. Feelings are energy and negative feelings are blocked energy.

9. Connection – To your Personal Power

Self-love and self-worth begin with healing our Inner child. It was our inner child that allowed the abuse in the first place. Deep patterns set in childhood revel themselves in our adult life. By healing the inner child, we begin to see a healthy adult. Healing and connecting with our inner child will be the catalyst for developing a strong sense of self.

10. Forgive and Recognition of Self

Forgiveness is imperative for us to move forward, to be whole and happy. You can let go the pain shame, guilt, and fear by clearing the energy. But it is with forgiveness we truly wipe the slate clean. We need to forgive the choices we made. We need to be gentle and kind with ourselves as we peel back the layers.

11. Forgive self for living with no boundaries

Healthy boundaries are the foundation for the life you are now living. Boundaries will keep you safe from the Narcissist. Boundaries include surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you. Choose who you want in your life. Setting limits and boundaries takes energy and consistency but will be worth it.

12. Forgive and be Free to Love

This session is all about the life you want to live. Free from the drama/angst/hurt/anger that the Narcissist has caused us – we now regroup, refocus, and forgive ourselves for a choice we made. You can step back into life, feeling lighter, calmer, and free to explore and love again.

Believe in yourself and begin creating and manifesting the life you deserve.

You are a strong, loving individual.

You can step into the light.

Self care is imperitive

Through the combined modalities of EFT tapping, hypnotherapy and energy healing, our sessions will help you understand that self-care is imperative, that healing can be achieved and I will provide the tools for you to embrace this new lifestyle.

We will also re-enforce the idea that we need only be responsible for ourselves. This will include strong statements of self-regulation, self-care, and self-management. The time has come to connect back to our self.

We will begin the connection with your own personal power. Through your subconscious belief you will feel safe, calm and strong.

At your last meeting, ongoing support will be discussed for your continuous healing and care. Through the combined modalities of hypnotherapy and energy healing, your healing can begin.

“I first met Astrid when we consulted with her to work with members of the stolen generation on a healing program.

“The feedback we received from the participants were nothing short of amazing!

“Several clients with intergenerational trauma felt relieved after attending just one session with her and we have continued to work with Astrid since on several healing programs.

“Since then, I had visited Astrid to help me with my personal healing journey and I’m a completely different person since I’ve seen her for sessions. She’s authentic, has great passion for the people she works with and a beautiful heart to match her amazing work and skills!

“Will definitely recommend Astrid to anyone that wants to change their lives and help heal and be relieved from stress, trauma, and addiction.”

Abby Branavakumar

Health Care Rebates

Hypnotherapy/hypnosis can be included as part of private health insurance coverage. This is a list of private health insurance providers that some of our services may be covered by. Please check with your health insurance provider to confirm eligibility.